Graphic depicting President Kelly's left arm with the 澳门正规网赌十大排行 shield as his cufflink and text that reads "Off the Cuff with Dr. Brendan Kelly"Welcome to Off the Cuff with Dr. Brendan Kelly, 这是澳门正规网赌十大排行校长关于领导力和表现的对话播客!

Each episode of this podcast features Dr. 凯利与有趣的人进行了深刻的对话,这些人对如何领导他们的组织或社区有独特的看法. 每一集的目的都是让你获得一些切实的想法,告诉你如何将自己的领导力转化为服务他人的能力.

Off the Cuff with Dr. Brendan Kelly earned top honors from the 2023 Collegiate Advertising Awards, winning the gold for podcasts hosted by institutions of higher education!

You can listen to these compelling conversations via Apple and Spotify, 或者点击下面的链接收听档案中的任何一集.

In this episode, 澳门正规网赌十大排行主席与大卫·丹尼尔斯就领导力和绩效进行了对话, owner and operator of two Chick-fil-A locations in Carrollton, Georgia.


Listen to Episode 15

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与Tramaine EL-Amin进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, 美国精神健康急救副总裁和华盛顿特区的全国精神健康委员会.C.


Listen to Episode 14

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与迈克·罗伯逊进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, CEO of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, a healthcare facility in Coweta County, Georgia, that specializes in heart, cancer, wound care, sleep, and women's services.


Listen to Episode 13

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与比尔·斯通进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, CEO of Systems and Methods, Inc. (SMI), 一个家族企业,其使命是使家庭更容易获得关键的政府补贴,以提高他们的日常生活质量.


Listen to Episode 12

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与洛伊·霍华德进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, president and CEO of Tanner Health System, 这是一个由五家医院组成的医疗系统,为乔治亚州西部和阿拉巴马州东部的社区提供医疗服务.


Listen to Episode 11

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与马里昂·克劳福德进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, founder and CEO of Crawford, 总部位于格林维尔的一家提供全方位服务的营销和广告公司, South Carolina.


Listen to Episode 10

In this episode, Dr. Kelly与Aaron McWhorter进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, founder and CEO of NG Turf, a family business headquartered in Carroll County.


Listen to Episode 9

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与南希·法里斯进行了一场关于领导力和绩效的对话, photographer, writer, and entrepreneur.


Listen to Episode 8

In this episode, Dr. Kelly与Southwire总裁兼首席执行官Rich Stinson进行了对话.


Listen to Episode 7

In this episode, 澳门正规网赌十大排行主席与鲍勃·布朗就领导力和绩效进行了对话, 美国雅马哈汽车制造公司财务和运营支持副总裁.


Listen to Episode 6

In this episode, Dr. 凯利与乔治亚州道格拉斯维尔市市长罗谢尔·罗宾逊进行了对话.

Their conversation details how Robinson, a pioneer in several aspects of her life, continues to lead as mayor of the Georgia city.

Listen to Episode 5

In this episode, Dr. Kelly engages in a conversation with Dr. Janet Pilcher, founder and senior executive of Studer Education.

Their conversation details how Dr. 皮尔彻支持斯图德的合作伙伴实现卓越的组织.

Listen to Episode 4

In this episode, 凯利总统与德米特里厄斯·道格拉斯就领导力进行了对话, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.


Listen to Episode 3

In this episode, 凯利校长与斯蒂芬妮·斯塔基进行了一场关于领导力的对话, CEO of Stuckey's Corporation.


Listen to Episode 2

在这一期的“即兴”播客中,澳门正规网赌十大排行主席Dr. 布伦丹·凯利(Brendan Kelly)与佐治亚理工学院的布伦丹·凯利(Brendan Kelly)博士就领导力进行了对话. Mike Shannon,行政和财务临时执行副总裁.

Their conversation covers Dr. 香农的军事背景,以及这段经历如何影响了他的世界观,即领导者是后天培养出来的,而不是天生的.

Listen to Episode 1